apeman joins the ever-growing trendy TikTok shopping destination – TikTok Shop and some top tech creators for their upcoming campaign #SeekAdventure this June.
The first Fan Festival by apeman is here! The 2022 'APE FEST' is themed 'Live APEventurously' to commemorate the anniversary of the founding day of apeman and the rebranding.
The SEEKER series hits 256% funding goal in Kickstarter after the campaign went live in January 18th.
The team behind the SEEKER series is grateful to all their supporters and is now fully focused for the final testing phase of the product.
apeman debuted their brand new logo, slogan plus their new smart cycling camera series - SEEKER during PEPCOM this year.
With the rise in the number of cyclists, the SEEKER series aims to revolutionise smart gadgets for cyclists while enhancing their safety